Latest Videos

  • Taking a Stand Against Suicide

    Thousands of people commit suicide annually in the U.S. The IAM’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is helping to spread the word and offering solutions. For more information about the EAP, visit If you are in need of consultation, please call the EAP hotline at (301) 335-0735. If you want to learn more about being

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  • IAM Union Celebrates Hawaiian History Month

    This month, the IAM proudly commemorates Hawaiian History Month, an annual celebration that spotlights Hawaii’s last reigning monarch, Queen Lili’uokalani, and the invaluable cultural heritage of the Hawaiian people. IAM members have come forward to share their perspectives on the importance of this celebration, reflecting a collective understanding and appreciation for Hawaiian history and culture.

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  • Hope and Help in Times of Need

    IAM member Sean Marcil is open about his past struggles with mental illness and substance abuse. But Marcil has used his private pain to help others by obtaining a degree in mental health, helping IAM members in Connecticut, and now, accepting a position with the Grand Lodge as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Assistant Coordinator.

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  • Aerospace Members Learn About the Service Contract Act

    The IAM Aerospace Department recently held training at the William Winpisinger Education Center. The IAM normally conducts two classes per year about the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act of 1965, more commonly known as the Service Contract Act (SCA).  The Service Contract Act applies to every contract entered into by the United States or the District

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